Ultimate Gum Disease Treatment: Restore Your Smile

Gum disease treatment, also known as periodontal disease, is a common dental issue that affects millions of people worldwide. With a range of symptoms and various stages, gum disease can become a serious problem if left untreated. 

Fortunately, there are multiple gum disease treatments available to help manage and even reverse the condition. In this article, we will discuss gum disease, its symptoms, and various treatment options available at St Edward Street Dental Practice.

What Is Gum Disease Treatment?

Gum disease treatment refers to the various methods and procedures used to manage, alleviate, and eliminate gum disease. This oral health issue is caused by bacteria in the mouth that leads to inflammation of the gums, ultimately resulting in gum tissue and bone loss. 

Gum disease treatment aims to stop the progression of the disease, prevent further damage, and improve overall oral health.

Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Gum disease can manifest in several ways, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Some common symptoms of gum disease include:

Swollen Gums

Inflamed and swollen gums are an early sign of gum disease. They may appear red and puffy and can be tender to the touch.

Bad Breath

Persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, is another symptom of gum disease. This is caused by bacteria and food debris trapped in the pockets that form between the teeth and gums.

Gums That Get Smaller

As gum disease progresses, the gums may start to recede, making the teeth appear longer. This is a sign of more advanced gum disease.

Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity can be a result of gum disease. As the gums recede, they expose the tooth’s root surface, which can cause discomfort when exposed to hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages.

Wiggly Or Shifting Teeth

In advanced stages of gum disease, teeth may become loose or shift due to bone loss and weakened periodontal ligaments.

Treatments For Gum Disease

At St Edward Street Dental Practice, we offer a variety of gum disease treatments to address different stages and severity levels. These treatments are divided into two categories: nonsurgical and surgical treatments.

Nonsurgical Treatments

Nonsurgical treatments for gum disease are less invasive and can often successfully manage mild to moderate gum disease. These include:

Professional Dental Cleaning

A regular dental cleaning helps remove plaque and tartar buildup, preventing the progression of gum disease. It is recommended to have a dental cleaning at least twice a year

Scaling And Root Planning

Scaling and root planning is a deep cleaning procedure that removes plaque and tartar from below the gum line and smooths the tooth’s root surfaces. This treatment helps prevent bacteria from adhering to the root surfaces and promotes gum reattachment.


Dentists may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics, antimicrobial mouthwashes, or other medications to help control the bacterial infection causing gum disease.

Surgical Treatments

In more advanced cases of gum disease, surgical treatments may be necessary to repair the damage and restore oral health. These treatments include:

Flap Surgery

Flap surgery, also known as pocket reduction surgery, involves lifting the gums to remove tartar and reduce the size of the pockets that have formed between the teeth and gums.

Bone Grafts

Bone grafts help replace lost bone tissue, providing a stable foundation for the teeth. This treatment is often necessary in cases of severe bone loss due to advanced gum disease.

Soft Tissue Grafts

Soft tissue grafts, also known as gum grafts, involve taking tissue from another part of the mouth (usually the palate) and attaching it to the affected area to cover exposed tooth roots and restore the gum line.

Guided Tissue Regeneration

Guided tissue regeneration is a procedure that promotes the growth of new bone and gum tissue in areas where they have been destroyed by gum disease. 

This treatment involves placing a special membrane or growth factors around the affected tooth to stimulate the body’s natural healing process.

Drugs Used To Treat Gum Disease

In addition to nonsurgical and surgical treatments, there are various drugs available that can help manage gum disease. Some of these include:


Specialized toothpaste formulated to fight gum disease contains ingredients like stannous fluoride or triclosan, which have antibacterial properties. These toothpastes can help reduce plaque and inflammation.

Antimicrobial Mouthwash

Antimicrobial mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine or essential oils can help control the bacteria responsible for gum disease. 

They are used as an adjunct to regular oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing.

Take Away

Gum disease is a common oral health issue that can lead to severe consequences if left untreated. It is crucial to recognize the symptoms of gum disease and seek professional help as soon as possible. 

St Edward Street Dental Practice offers a range of gum disease treatments, from nonsurgical options like professional cleanings and scaling and root planning to surgical procedures like flap surgery and bone grafts.


Picture of Dr Vipin Allen

Dr Vipin Allen

Principal Dentist at St Edward Street Dental Practice

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