Dental Surgery: Improve Your Oral Health

Dental surgery is a common dental procedure that involves the manipulation of the tissues and structures in the mouth. It is a broad term that covers a range of procedures, from tooth extraction to dental implants.

Dental surgery is an integral part of dentistry, and it plays a crucial role in preserving oral health.  In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about dental surgery at St Edward Street Dental Practice.

St Edward Street Dental Practice is a reputable dental clinic that provides a comprehensive selection of dental services, including dental surgery. The practice is committed to providing high-quality dental care to patients, and it has a team of experienced and qualified dental professionals.

Importance of Dental Surgery

Dental surgery is an essential component of oral health care as it provides a way to treat dental problems that cannot be resolved with non-surgical approaches. It also helps to prevent more serious dental problems from developing, such as infections and tooth loss. 

By undergoing dental surgery, patients can improve their oral health, restore their smile, and enhance their overall quality of life.

Preparing for Dental Surgery

It is best to prepare for dental surgery in order to achieve the best possible outcome. This involves several steps, including:

Initial Consultation And Examination

Scheduling an initial consultation with our dentist surgery is the first step in preparing for dental surgery. During this consultation, the surgeon will examine your teeth, gums, and jaw to determine the optimal treatment plan. They’ll check your medical background and current medications to make sure there are no issues that would prevent surgery from going ahead.

Diagnostic Tests

In some cases, diagnostic tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans may be required to provide a more detailed assessment of your dental condition. These tests can help the surgeon plan the surgical procedure and ensure the best possible outcome.

Pre-Operative Instructions

Before undergoing dental surgery, the surgeon will provide you with specific instructions to follow in the days leading up to the procedure. These may include avoiding certain foods and medications, stopping smoking, and arranging for transportation to and from the surgery.

Types of Dental Surgery

There are several types of dental surgery procedures. These include:

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25. In many cases, there is insufficient space in the mouth for these teeth to erupt properly, leading to pain, infection, and other dental issues. 

Wisdom teeth extraction is a surgical procedure involving the removal of these teeth to prevent these problems.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular choice for replacing missing teeth. In this surgical procedure, a titanium post is implanted into the jaw to replace the tooth’s missing root. The post serves as the foundation for the crown, which is the artificial tooth that will serve as the replacement.

Cosmetic Surgery

This process is intended to enhance the aesthetic appeal of an individual’s smile through the use of teeth whitening and orthodontic treatments. It is a non-invasive procedure that can be performed in the dental office without the need for surgery. 

However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that the procedure is safe and appropriate for the patient’s overall health. 

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a common way for a damaged or infected tooth to be saved through surgery. This means taking out the damaged or infected tissue inside the tooth, cleaning the root canal, and filling it with a special material to stop the infection from spreading.

Dental Surgery Procedures at St Edward Street Dental Practice

To help our patients maintain excellent oral health and a radiant smile, St. Edward Street Dental Practice provides a comprehensive selection of dental surgery options. Our surgical procedures are performed by experienced dental professionals using state-of-the-art technology to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Anesthesia Options

Many patients feel anxious about undergoing dental surgery, and we sympathize with their concerns. That’s why we offer a range of anesthesia options to help our patients feel comfortable and relaxed during the procedure. These options include local anesthesia, sedation, and general anesthesia.

Surgical Techniques

Our dental surgeons employ the most advanced surgical techniques to ensure that our patients receive the most precise and effective care. These techniques may include traditional surgical methods, laser surgery, or minimally invasive procedures, depending on the specific needs of the patient.

Post-Operative Instructions

After getting dental surgery, it’s important to follow the after-care instructions to make sure you heal properly and lower the risk of problems. Our dental professionals will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your mouth after the surgery, including what foods to eat, how to clean your teeth, and what activities to avoid.


Picture of Dr Vipin Allen

Dr Vipin Allen

Principal Dentist at St Edward Street Dental Practice

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